This page provides links to pond fact sheets and newsletters. It also provides links to natural resource programs being held in Northeast, Ohio
Pond Management Information
Ohio Pond News
This newsletter is written by Mr. Bill Lynch, OSU Extension Pond Specialist. Click on the links below to acccess the newsletter in PDF format.
Spring 2010 Newsletter- Contains articles on Restocking a winterkill pond; Aquatic plant management considerations; What's growing on my fish?; New Canada goose factsheet; Pond factsheet update; and 2010 pond clinic schedule.
OSU Extension Pond Factsheets
- Placing Artificial Fish Attractors in Ponds and Reservoirs, A-1-98
- Pond Measurements, A-2-98
- Controlling Filamentous Algae in Ponds, A-3-09 (pdf only)
- Chemical Control of Aquatic Plants, A-4-09 (pdf only)
- Muddy Water in Ponds, A-6-01 (pdf)
- Understanding Pond Stratification, A-7-01 (pdf)
- Winter and Summer Fish Kills in Ponds, A-8-01 (pdf)
- Planktonic Algae in Ponds, A-9-01 (pdf)
- Fish Species Selection for Pond Stocking, A-10-01 (pdf)
- Cattail Management, A-11-01 (pdf)
- Algae Control with Barley Straw, A-12-02 (pdf)
- Notifying the Ohio EPA Prior to Applying Aquatic Herbicides in Ponds, A-13-04 (pdf)
- Duckweed and Watermeal: Prevention and Control, A-14-04 (pdf)
- When to Apply Aquatic Herbicides, A-15-05 (pdf)
- Dyes and Aquatic Plant Management, A-16-06 (pdf)
- Benefits and Disadvantages of Aquatic Plants in Ponds, A-17-06 (pdf)
- Using Grass Carp to Control Aquatic Plants, A-19-09 (pdf only)
- Artificial propagation of Amazonian catfish (Pseudoplatystoma sp.) in captivity (pdf only)